Local kid excels in tennis and academics
03/25/08: Karthik Krishna Murthy, 10 of Tallahassee has achieved only very few Florida kids of his age have done. Karthik currently ranks 25th on the USTA Florida Category for Boys 10 Under. He has played under Boys 12/14 division as well. He is not only good Tennis player but A student as well. Congrats to Karthik and his parents!
2008 IATLH Holi Big Success!
03/24/08: IATLH sponsored Holi Celebrations that were held on Saturday, March 22, 2008 at Tom Brown was a great success! More than two hundred people attened the festival. Thanks to all the food coordinators and their helpers. Everyone enjoyed your food.
Article about Holi in Tallahassee Democrat
03/17/08: An article about Holi Festival written by IATLH General Secretary Thayumana Somasundaram has appeared in our home town news paper Tallahassee Democrat on Saturday, March 15, 2008 in the Faith section.
Hindu Temple Atlanta's Kumbabhishegam Musical
03/07/08: To celebrate Hindu Temple of Atlanta's Shiva Temple Kumbhabishegam a musical drama is being planned for Saturday, March 22, 2008. Please view the video invitation of Haravilasam.
2008 Membership forms Uploaded
03/06/08: 2008 IATLH Membership forms are uploaded. Please check Fillable Member Form or Writable Member Form from the website. Fillable forms can be sent directly to Membership Coordinator Somnath Chatterjee, Vice President of IATLH. Dues then can be mailed.
Photos from FSU-IC 2008 International Bazaar
03/03/08: Florida State University's International Center's International Bazaar event that took place on Saturday, March 01, 2008 from 2 PM to 6 PM. Photos from the event.
FSU-IC 2008 International Bazaar
02/27/08: Florida State University International Center's International Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, March 01, 2008 from 2 PM to 6 PM at FSU Union Ballroom. IATLH members will perform.
FSU Magnet Lab - Open House - Free Admission!
02/19/08: Florida State University's Magnet Lab will have an open House on Saturday, February 23, 2008 from 10 AM to 3 PM. The admission is free. More info
IATLH Member Part of Global Gathering Program
01/22/08: Preethy Pynadath, IATLH member will represent the Association and participate in the FSU-International Center's Global Gathering 2008. She will be participating in the Ballroom and Beyond Tranlating Across Cultures dance program. All are welcome to attend the live program on Friday, February 1, 2008 at 7 PM at Moore Auditorium, FSU.
RPD Announcements in Khaasbaat and Talllahassee Democrat
01/14/08: Information about India Association of Tallahassee's Republic Day Celebrations and Book Donation are featured in January 2008 issue of Khaas Baat and Tallahassee Democrat.
Free Seminar on Living and Dying Well
01/10/08: Tallahasseee Memorial Hospital, Big Bend Hospice and Living with Dignity is sponsoring a free seminar on Living and Dying Well. All are welcome to attend the seminar.
FL Dept Education Appreciation Letter
01/09/08: Florida Department of Education and Steering Committee on International Education Week 2007 has sent an Appreciation Letter to IATLH for its participation.
Older News
Older News (Nov 2007 & earlier)